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mental strength

why all the F-bombs?

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why all the F-bombs?

After a recent website re-vamp, you might have noticed that there are a couple F-bombs circulating around. For awhile, I used to censor myself (once editing out a rogue FUCK from a past blog post). Over the years of being a therapist (now, well over a decade), I would often work especially hard to not say certain words in sessions, fuck very often being one of them. I don’t swear more than your average New Yorker, but I do swear. And I’m done hiding it. How can I help you be authentically you, and not fully embrace my own goddamn self?! I can’t.

I also cannot count on my fingers & toes the number of times I’ve heard from people about previous bad therapy experiences they had- where they felt judged for swearing, and one person said the therapist even asked they did not swear in session. I was and am so appalled by this. And want you to know, I will not be that therapist.

I have worked with people who will quickly apologize after swearing, or ask permission to say a bad word in session. Again, 100% not necessary. There will be plenty of other things you need to give yourself permission for, that will likely come up in sessions (hint hint: taking care of yourself and your needs and making this a priority in your life), but swearing will never be one of them.

So, this week I got my new office toy- the photo cover here. And I fucking love it!

IMG_8569 (1).JPG

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February! Happy New Year (a month late)

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February! Happy New Year (a month late)

Holy cow, it's February! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Where exactly did January go? Anyone else feel like it just sort of magically disappeared. I mean, I remember the weeks-long stretch of really, really cold days.... but overall, it does feel like it flew by. Perhaps it was because I have been sick and/or dealing with miscellaneous mini-injuries all month. I did not get to start 2018 in the focused, goal-oriented, resolution-energized way I maybe would have liked. I woke up New Years day with the beginning signs of a cold. And, that cold (or a combination of other ones I caught along the way), is still kicking it's way around. An entire month of cold-symptoms, ugh! Aside from this never-ending cold... I minorly hurt my neck (skiing), and randomly did something upsetting to my subscapularis/shoulder muscle. These mini-injuries added to my list of (mostly valid) excuses for taking it easy. Semi-hibernating. My January definitely did not start off the way I had hoped.

January wasn't a complete waste- I completed a meditation teacher training, got 4 days of skiing in, registered for the Brooklyn Half, and signed up for a yearlong bootcamp membership.

So, now it's February. And, while still coughing and blowing my nose, I am ready to start tackling some of my 2018 goals! First up, is getting back in shape- post 2017 NYC marathon (and basically almost 3 months of taking it easy).... they say fit-ness runs on 3 week intervals. Meaning, my body won't feel the benefits/effects of working out for about 3 weeks. So, while getting back into things, I'm looking at 3 weeks of feeling out of shape and speeds/exercises that used to feel easy (at top-marathon training), will undoubtedly be quite challenging. The good news is that February is a short month, and I should be caught up by the end of these 28 days.... and ready to start up Brooklyn Half training in March.

Here goes!



(**and just because I got a slow start this 2018, doesn't mean you have to. Spots still available in the Winter Wellness Intensive)

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10 days to go!!! SELF CARE CHALLENGE!

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10 days to go!!! SELF CARE CHALLENGE!

10 days til #tcsnycmarathon = 10 days of self care!

November 5th is almost here (insert: panic & excitement! AHHH). For those running, I’m sure you are going through lots of different emotions right now- I know I am. After spending 5 months focusing on one thing, one goal, one day... the realization of all of that’s about to happen is starting to sink in. Marathon blues, are definitely a thing. I used to think they’d just pop up post-marathon, but I have been feeling them this week. Tapering is different for everyone, but I spent the first part of this week feeling highly unmotivated- not getting out of bed in time to get the miles on my training plan in, and then beating myself up about it. I realized Tuesday of this week that I was being a bit silly. I’ve followed my training plan (for the most part, very closely), had a great 20 mile run & even felt really good about running the last 10 miles of the course on Sunday. However, for some reason Monday-Wednesday this week felt like I had lost all focus & motivation.

So, with 10 days left to go, I’ve decided I’m going to focus (even more than usual) on SELF CARE.  I’m a big believer in self care & also know that most of us do not do it enough. Living in this city is hard enough. It’s been an incredibly hard year in the world. People have jobs & family & responsibilities & so many stressors... all.the.time! Throw the insane idea of training for & running a marathon on top of that. It’s a bit crazy. So, yes, self care- it’s important & necessary! And, trust me, it doesn’t just happen naturally (unless you’re some sort of magical human with lots & lots of resources). But for most of us, it’s extra time... extra money.... extra focus.... and all of that can be hard to come by most days.

So, for the next 10 days leading up to the TCS NYC Marathon, I’m going to focus on one thing (self care-related) each day. And I encourage you to do the same!! I’ll be posting on Instagram & Facebook. I love the running community & think it’s a great place to get support and connect with others! So, if you’re down for the self care challenge please post along the way and add the tags:  




I hope with using the hashtags, people will be able to get new ideas of self care! Either to do in the next 10 days, or even better- to turn into a sustainable self care practice. (Remember: nothing new on race day!!)

What if...
I’m not a runner but want to join in....
I’m a runner, but not running the NYC Marathon this year...
I’ve never focused on self care before & this is scary and weird....
I have no time/money/energy to do something self care related each day....

...start small (5 minutes/day counts!), support others, try something new... and, best of all, take care of yourself!!!

And for the 50,000 rockstars doing the marathon next week... enjoy the next 10 days! Enjoy every moment (and every delicious carb) that will get us to the Verrazano bridge.  

If 10 days of self care seems like a lot... know that you've already come this far, you are capable and strong and determined, and fully deserve to treat yourself to some TLC!

Happy tapering, folks! I look forward to sharing (and learning) new self care tips & ideas in the next 10 days!

Finish strong! 


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Miles.... Half-Full, or Half-Empty ~ NYC Marathon Training HALFWAY POINT!


Miles.... Half-Full, or Half-Empty ~ NYC Marathon Training HALFWAY POINT!

I'm halfway through marathon training, as are most folks who are doing a 16 week program for the NYC marathon. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised it's already halfway done. Sort of sneaky how time goes by that quickly!! How are others feeling out there?? I find that when your focus is literally just on what you need to get done this week (or, just even, today), time has been moving quickly. I've been able to stick to my plan pretty closely, and although I'm tired and my legs are having all sorts of feelings..... I generally am feeling okay about training so far. So, I guess, one could say.... optimistic, glass half-full sort of outlook. Or, well, miles half-full. This is most definitely NOT all days. There have been days that have been hard..... hard getting the miles in, hard doing what I know I should be doing to help support my training (foam rolling, strength work), hard getting out of bed (but then reminding myself that my muscles need sleep, and trying not to be too hard on myself for sleeping in). It is a struggle. I think that's probably half of the reason I like signing up for challenging races and training. It is a struggle and a challenge, but if you put the work in... it is always completely attainable. Following small steps and goals, you can slowly get there..... then, BAM! you're done, and you have to start all over again :P haha...

So, that's just a quick note & check in about my training journey so far. 

Coupled with this, I am continuing to work and diversify my business and private practice. After taking a bit of a break this summer (hmmm.... maybe that's why there have been no blog posts since June, oops).... it's time to re-focus.  I have had a lot of interest in my Walk In the Park  aspect of my business and am working to figure out how to expand this and also how to incorporate running into some outdoor therapy sessions. More to come soon on that. 

In the meantime, happy running! And happy training to all those with their sights on the TCS NYC Marathon in LESS THAN 8 WEEKS! 


(picture from this Sunday's 5th Avenue Mile- getting ready to start...!)


Happy Global Running Day!

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Happy Global Running Day!

For Global Running Day, I thought it might be nice to reflect on my own running history..... as it has been quite an interesting ride since I went out for my first run less than 5 years ago. (side note: just realizing that this summer/fall will be my 5 year running anniversary! WOAH!)

For the record, I have NEVER been a runner. As a child and teen, I played sports (generally mandated by my school). I was not athletic. Very regularly got injured. Running was NOT my thing. I was joking over brunch this past weekend after the Retro 5-mile race about how, as a 5th grade basketball player, I would not run to the other side of the court. (why run, when they'll just come back to this side in a couple minutes!!!)

Anyway, I digress... 

This never-a-runner now has a marathon under my belt, an uncountable number of half-marathons (seriously, I just tried to count them out.... but I'm not sure the exact number... over 10), 2 olympic-distance triathlons, a century ride, and over 200 total miles raced in NYC alone. I have raced through the mountains in Hong Kong, through Times Square, through the French Quarter in New Orleans, and through the Redwood forest (to name a few of the most-awesome spots). It really has been an amazing (almost) 5 years.

I have to say that it probably was not until the 2015 Brooklyn Half that I began to enjoy running. I remember that being the first race that felt fun, felt easy.... was entirely enjoyable. It was my 3rd time racing the Brooklyn Half, so I already knew how fun a race it is. But there was something about that May, where everything seemed to fall in place, and it felt truly enjoyable and I had the thought ("oh, this is why people think running is fun"). It took quite some time to get to that point, however. I often hear from people that they "hate running", and I can commiserate. I'm still not the type that jumps out of bed early every morning looking forward to getting some miles in. I doubt I will ever be that person. 

But I have found that I like the challenge of training for a race. It helps keep me accountable, keeps me going. It's a way of setting a goal, working towards it step by step, and then getting it done (a transferable skill to many & most other tasks in life). On this Global Running Day, I'm looking forward to refocusing my running and my physical fitness regime to start my NYC Marathon training. This will be my second marathon, and I have lots of lessons to be learned from the first (2014). [future blog posts to come] I am also ready and prepared to take my training to a new level... recognizing the many aspects and challenges of training for such an intense event. Really focusing on support systems and self care, avoiding burnout, reworking negative thoughts and thinking patterns, staying motivated & really working to mentally prepare for the challenges of running 26.2 miles. I also hope that through this blog, Therapy for Runners groups, and working with individuals 1:1, I can help others achieve similar goals with their running, and within their lives.

Happy Global Running day, y'all. Feeling grateful to be a part of such a great community of runners! 

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holy cow, instagram!??!


holy cow, instagram!??!

So, I have been a casual instagram user in my personal life- only following a handful of close friends, some running-related pages, and a lot of dogs & cats ;) so I started the Therapy for Runners Instagram LAST WEEK, and already have over 600 followers. It is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

I never, ever would have expected to see that number keep climbing. I feel incredibly humbled and excited, but also now (as never before) feeling the pressure to keep posting things and find interesting things in my life (related to therapy or running), and sometimes I'm just not that funny or interesting, and definitely do not always have smart things to say/post about running and therapy.  (confession)

But, I will try to keep it up. I like it. I like following runners in Brooklyn & NYC (and all around the globe) and seeing what an incredible online community runners have. It is nice being a part of that. Really nice.

So, thank you Instagram and internet running community for welcoming me into your club! 



Marathon Support Group- REGISTRATION OPEN!

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Marathon Support Group- REGISTRATION OPEN!

Sign-ups now open for 20 and 10 week Marathon Support Group taking place bi-weekly in Brooklyn Heights. Contact me to get started! 

20 week program dates (10 sessions):

June 20, July 11, July 25, August 8, August 22, September 5, September 19, October 3, October 17, and celebration/reflection November 7th!

10 week program dates (5 sessions)

September 5, September 19, October 3, October 17, and celebration/reflection November 7th!




BUY ALL 10 sessions, save $100! Buy 5 sessions, save $50!


Group goals:


Homework and training challenges provided for off-weeks (optional). 

Space is LIMITED, so sign up early and get ready to take on your NYC Marathon training! Contact me to register or if you have any questions!

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Marathon Support Group.... starting in June!

Looking forward to talking with some runners this week (I'll be volunteering at the Brooklyn Half Marathon Pre-Party/Expo), and sharing information about the new NYC Marathon Support Group that will be starting up in June:

Group details for the 10 and 20 week programs will be finalized and posted this week. 


New things coming!

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New things coming!

I took down this blog for a bit, as my focus and attention were directed to other aspects of my private practice and life- but am happy to report that it will be back in action!! Not just the blog, but some new & exciting things coming this June!

As a therapist AND as a runner- I am excited to combine these parts of my life and expertise to offer some new support services for runners: marathon support groups, tailored psychotherapy sessions for runners, and regular blog posts exploring the intersections between life (and life stressors) and running.

Stay tuned!

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Mental Strength Training: STEP ONE = FOCUS


Mental Strength Training: STEP ONE = FOCUS

So, I am under 6 weeks out from my next race (New Orleans Rock and Roll Half Marathon), and coming to my own realization to start kicking into full gear with training. Sure, I’ve been training (technically) for the last couple of weeks- following fairly closely to the schedule I outlined at the beginning. I think, physically, I’ve been on point. I’ve been getting my long runs in, crosstraining (rowing) and strength training (bootcamp!), but I haven’t started to take the time to focus on mental training. I’ve been THINKING a lot about it, about things that are important to me and what I want to share with the general extended world of amazing people who might end up reading this.

So, here goes… my 6 week Mental Strength Half Marathon Training plan. (sure this could go for other races as well: 5k/10k, full marathon, triathlons, etc.—but I also plan on in the future making some more specialized plans for each different endurance race).

Week by week, I'll focus on 6 key steps for Mental Strength Training for runners. This week, we'll start with #1 FOCUS.

Focus: Define Your Goal

This week it’s time to clarify your focus and truly define what your goal is with your upcoming race. Perhaps you signed up weeks ago, and that initial rush and surge of excitement and commitment has since passed…. It’s time to get that back. Time to re-focus on your intention. Let’s start with 5 simple questions:

o   Who? (YOU!!! Any friends, family, running buddies joining you? Or are you tackling this one solo?)

o   What? (Race info, distance. Is this your first race of this distance? A milestone? Celebrating something?)

o   Where & When? (Race info, again. But think about climate and the course…. Do you need to travel to get there? What will that entail? Is it a new race or a new city to you, or happening in your background and on roads you run every day)

o   Why? (this is the big question………. )

 Why did you decide to sign up for this event (just to run another race, because a friend convinced you to, or did you have a clear wellness and mental strength goal from the beginning- to run your first half marathon, to celebrate a birthday, proving to yourself that you can come back after ___________________ (fill in the blank: injury, illness, a breakup, having a baby, etc). Are you raising money for a cause that’s important to you? Challenging yourself at a new distance, or trying to get a PR?

Whatever your reason for signing up for this race, clarify it and remind yourself of it OFTEN. Think about your answers to all the questions above… recognize all the thoughts and feelings that come up (the good ones AND the bad, negative, self-doubting ones). Most importantly, WRITE IT DOWN.

Try the following exercise!

Fold a paper into 4 quarters (any which-way will do, just make 4 sections).

·         In one section, write your goal out in big, BOLD letters.

·         In your second section, put your reasons WHY you are running this race. (could be bullet points, sentences, random words, essay-format…. Doesn’t matter).

·         In the third section, write out all the feelings that are brought up. (this is where you can add in your anxieties and self-doubts, but make sure to include the positive feelings too!).

·         For your forth section, write out what will keep you going throughout training and to get you to the finish line. THIS IS YOUR FOCUS! (part why, part feelings…. What you think about when things will get hard that will keep you going and on track).


Then, hang it up!!! On your fridge, next to your training plan, in your bathroom, above your kitchen sink… wherever! Somewhere, ideally, where you can check in with it daily and/or weekly to re-focus your training and remind yourself of your original goal. Revisit it whenever you’re feeling sidetracked or unmotivated.

Here’s what mine looks like for my upcoming race. Feel free to share pictures of yours, or comment about the process below or on Facebook.


Running (and any physical challenge) is very much a mental activity, requiring strength, practice and training. Next week we’ll start visualizing our success. But for now….. focus!!!
